Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bumble my Blueberries – Making Substitutions

Last week I glanced at the recipe for this cake and thought how simple it looked and didn’t include any unfamiliar techniques. I made the classic cooking mistake and didn’t read through ingredient list carefully. Yesterday I started making the cake. As I worked along, I came to the final steps that included combining the dry ingredients with buttermilk. No buttermilk in the pantry! Two choices – make a quick trip to the market or look for a substitution. Dorie’s Baking has a whole list of substitutions in the back of the book. I used her recommendation for buttermilk substitute by combining 2/3 cup of plain yogurt and 1/3 cup milk. It worked fine.

The recipe for Blueberry Crumb Cake is available at http://fundamentally-flawed.blogspot.com/. Thanks to Sihan for selecting the recipe.

Blueberry Crumb Cake in the late afternoon sun.


  1. I keep powdered buttermilk in my fridge.

  2. Beautiful job! This was a yummy cake!

  3. Those crumbs look so delicious!

  4. Nicely done! I also heard reg. milk and lemon juice (or maybe that makes sour cream)? Anyway - glad it worked for you. It looks delicious!

  5. Beautiful! Nice job on the substitution.

  6. Oh, that looks great. I used a tad of white vinegar and made buttermilk. Great job.
